Invisalign Braces in Woodside
At Smile Works Orthodontists we believe that everyone deserves the perfect smile which is why we offer very competitive finance deals. Rates as low as 0% are available and your treatment may cost as little as £1.60 per day. That’s a small price to pay for the perfect smile and the increased confidence that goes with it.
Before you decide on what orthodontic treatment you would like done (if any) we offer a free consultation at which we assess the current situation and discuss your concerns and requirements. This isn’t an opportunity for us to sell you the most expensive treatments on offer, the consultation is designed to let us work together to come up with a solution to suit your smile and your budget.
The days of obtrusive metal dental braces are long gone. Metal braces are still available but they are much more subtle affairs these days and much less noticeable. Ceramic braces are an even less conspicuous transparent brace that fixes on to the front of the teeth but can hardly be seen.
Lingual braces work in much the same way as traditional braces but fit to the back of the teeth rather than the front so they’re even harder to spot.
Our Invisalign products are made from thin plastic and are made from a mould of your teeth. They have an advantage over other braces in that they can be taken out so that you can clean your teeth thoroughly and eat whatever takes your fancy.
To book a free consultation call us on 01902 713 700 or drop in to our Woodside branch.